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Many Moons: fanclubwallet

Poster for fanclubwallet performance featuring a purple and blue full moon in the centre. Many Moons video concert series. July 23, 2021 (Full moon).

Poster for fanclubwallet performance featuring a purple and blue full moon in the centre. Many Moons video concert series. July 23, 2021 (Full moon).

Video premiere: July 23, 2021 ⬤ Full moon

Hannah Judge has been a champion of the local music scene in Ottawa since before she even made music herself. From gifting mix CDs to the newcomers in her life to photographing shows and making local bands’ music videos, Judge’s passion for her community led to music. After quietly creating demos in her bedroom, fanclubwallet was formed and the single “Interstate” was released not long after in early 2020. With Judge at the helm, the sound of fanclubwallet is often described as “carefully cultivated lo-fi,” “bedroom pop” (quite literally, at times, the music was made from her bed whilst Judge suffered from illness) and “casio-pop” while taking influence from bands like Hop Along, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, and Frankie Cosmos.

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Earlier Event: July 17
Many Moons: Nick Schofield
Later Event: July 31
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